Large numbers of pets were adopted or purchased during the pandemic. With a vaccine and a return to normal on the horizon, how can we prepare our pets (and ourselves) for post-pandemic life?
As with many things, it’s best to introduce gradual changes to help our pets get accustomed to a post-pandemic routine after spending long hours with them at home. They are adaptable and will be able to adjust, we just have to help them! Remember, our pets have their limits too. Helping to ease them in to a post-pandemic routine before the end of the pandemic would make things easier on everyone. If your pet continues to show signs of different unwanted behavior, explore to identify if these are behavioral, or medical issues.
It’s a little natural to feel a bit of guilt as things change. But with some gradual adjustments, your beloved pet and you can make this transition successfully to the post-pandemic era…which we all agree can’t come soon enough!
WASHINGTON POST: It’s time to start preparing Fluffy and Fido for post-pandemic life