Memorial Day weekend passed weeks ago with packed beaches and boardwalks. Recent weeks shows an increase of cases . Thing to think about to safely celebrate the 4th of July during coronavirus pandemic.
Face mask is the pandemic normal when heading outside the comfort of your home, along with social distancing. Alex Azar (US Secretary of Health and Human Services) stated to NBC “The window is closing. We have to act. And people as individuals have to act responsibly. We need to social distance. We need to wear our face coverings if we’re in settings where we can’t social distance, particularly in these hot zones.” Florida, Texas, Arizona and California have seen recent spurts of COVID cases and hospitalization (COVID Tracking Project)
Theses are the three to remember during the pandemic
- Outdoors in better than indoors
- Being masked is better than no mask
- Small groups is better than crowds
If you are entertaining guest it is highly advisable for guests to BYO everything to minimize risk.
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