Wearing a mask not only lowers your risk for contracting the virus…it also is very effective at lowering the risk significantly for inadvertently infecting others if you happen to be an asymptomatic carrier COVID-19.
Even a small reduction in infection can make a huge difference in slowing, or even halting, the spread of coronavirus.
To read more The Atlantic: The Real Reason to Wear a Mask
The New England Journal of Medicine uses laser light scattering to visualize speech-generated oral fluid droplets. Their video below shows the difference of not wearing a mask vs wearing face covering while speaking “Stay Healthy”.
NHK is Japan’s national broadcasting organization, and their case study shows how sneezing – and even speaking – in an controlled environment results in droplets spread. This provides even more reason to wear face covering to help protect others.
Full Video NHK Click Here : NHK COVID-19 Fighting a Pandemic