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Using the 1918 Flu Pandemic as a guide to what we might expect with future waves

Pandemic Waves? Will we see it in Covid-19

The 1918 Pandemic Influenza, also called Spanish flu (H1N1 Virus), took its toll on the world. Will we see the same result in COVID19? CDC has given us a summary of what happened with the Spanish Flu and details its three deadly waves of illness during its pandemic.

CDC 1918 Pandemic

As the US looks at China for a second wave since it’s recorded peak pandemic in mid February. China cautiously relaxes physical distancing control measures and restarts it’s economy. Precautionary interventions of returning citizens and social mixing keep it local transmission low.

Listen to a 4-Minute Listen on NPR 2nd Wave

The Lancet, a publication that collects the best science research, provides recent studies coming out of China.

Lancet COVID-19 2nd Wave

Lancet Reduce Social Mixing Study

Lancet Study PDF

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